Wednesday, May 11, 2016

What You Should Do Before a Home Remodeling Vegas

How safe is your home for remodeling? Many homeowners go into remodeling projects without considering this important question. Out of excitement, they immediately bring on a professional to work on their house without even thinking that they could be putting their family's health at risk by being impulsive. We know how excited you are to finally have the home of your dreams but before anything else, there is one important thing that you should do.

On April 22, 2008, the US Environmental Protection Agency published the Lead Renovation, Repair, and Painting Rule to protect the public from lead-based paint. The rule strongly recommends lead testing before any home remodeling Vegas. This is because lead poses high risk on everyone’s health especially to pregnant women and small children. Here are different methods used for lead testing.

Home Lead Kits

The EPA strongly recommends that only certified lead risk assessors do the lead testing. But because some homeowners find their services a little too expensive, home lead test kits are preferred by some. It should be noted though, that these DIY lead test kits are not as thorough, accurate, and detailed than professional assessments.

Lead-Based Paint Inspection

A certified lead paint inspector has the knowledge to conduct thorough inventory of painted areas in the house. This method uses an X-ray fluorescence to detect lead content. If the results of the inspection are dubious, the paint samples are sent to a lab for a more thorough analysis.

Lead Risk Assessment

Deteriorating paints are health risks especially if the home was built before the late 1970s. Old houses are more likely to have been painted with lead-based paints. In this case, samples are taken for evaluation of the cause, intensity, and the most probable solutions. Dust from foundations and key areas are also taken as samples. Even when the test turn a negative result, you are still not sure there is no lead in your home. Lead risk assessment is not as thorough as paint inspection.

Hazard Screening

Hazard screening can be done on homes with low risk of lead content. It is somewhat similar to risk assessment but is less detailed. Samples are collected from key areas such as floors and windows to check for lead hazard. Once risk is detected, risk assessment is strongly recommended.

Safe Home Remodeling Vegas

Lead-based paint is detrimental to your family’s health especially when you have small kids or pregnant women at home. Get your home tested for lead hazards first. Make sure that everyone is safe during home remodeling in Vegas. Choose MC Mojave Construction for a Vegas home remodel that uses top quality materials. Being an established company since 1985, they only deploy a team of highly-experienced experts to work on their projects. Call them now for free estimates on your kitchen or bathroom remodeling.

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