Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Chromatherapy: The Healing Wonders of Colors in a Walk-in Bath

There are many ways to heal the body without using harmful medicine. We are all familiar with the power of herbs and even the wonders of water. How about providing therapy through the use of colors? You have probably never heard of this method but it exists. Read on to learn more about this unique yet effective way of healing and how you can avail of it through a special kind of tub.

Did you know that with an ultramodern walk-in bath with multicolored lights, you can have an in-home therapeutic bath? Color and light can be used in holistic healing by creating an emotional response in the patient. This treatment system is called chromatherapy. Certain colors have a positive effect in your physiological and psychological makeup. Color therefore, are considered by experts as an effective tool for achieving optimal health.
One of those experts who believe in the healing wonders of color is Carole Jackson who is the founder of the cosmetic company Color Me Beautiful. Prior to establishing her retail business, she also wrote a book with the same title of her company. She is a firm believer in the power of chromatherapy to strengthen the mind and lift the spirit. Other believers in the inherent power of color are two of the most exalted artists in history, Rembrandt and Michelangelo. They used colors to convey a message in their masterpieces. In a similar philosophy, chromatherapy uses colors to stimulate emotions such as passion, optimism, healing, joy, and creativity.

Basic Colors of Chromatherapy

Colors are chosen in chromatherapy according to their heating abilities. Warm tones stimulate the blood while cool ones are used for soothing the body.
  • Red stimulates the blood just like the way Capsicum, red cedar, and musk works. Red light in walk-in bathtubs stimulates oxygen in the blood, making it a desirable form of therapy for paralytic patients.
  • Yellow light in chromatherapy is used in people with colds and chronic bronchial irritation. Just like the way yellow drugs such as Indian hemp and May apple are used as laxatives and purgatives, yellow light is used as a purifier.
  • Blue, violet, and green are beneficial for patients who are suffering from rheumatism, nervousness, sciatica, and hemorrhage. Because they are cool colors, they are used whenever there is too much heat in the body.

Limitations of Chromatherapy

Chromatherapy helps in relieving a patient from illnesses, but they should not replace professional medical help. It should only be used in addition to doctor-prescribed medicines. Additionally, it should be done by those who have ample knowledge of the process. It could be harmful if misused.

Schedule a Walk-in Bath Consultation Today!

You can get a walk-in bathtub that can be used in chromatherapy with the help of Walk-in Tub Reviews. Their detailed reviews of high quality bath tubs can help you choose the kind that can meet your specific needs. On their homepage, you can find a helpful graph that features five of the most popular brands of these specialized tubs. They also have a comprehensive guide that you can download. Check out their reviews and take the recommendation of their experts before heading to a local dealer. If you are having trouble finding a walk-in bathtub dealer in Boston or Flint, Walk-in Tub Reviews can also help. They will help locate a store within your area. Just give them a call and their staff will assist you right away.

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