Monday, May 23, 2016

Read This if You are Visiting Nevada with a Vehicle

Traveling to a different city with your personal vehicle can be freeing. You have the freedom to go anywhere you want as long as your destination is accessible by a car. It is also a great idea when you have children in tow as commuting can be a huge problem when the younger ones get impatient. If you are planning to drive to Las Vegas, we recommend reading this article first. You will pick up a lot of helpful advice that will keep you from getting into trouble.

Last year, Zero Fatalities NV recorded a total of 321 traffic fatalities in Nevada, 10.3% higher than 2014. As a driver, you need to have a basic knowledge of the traffic laws in Nevada so you don’t get into trouble with authorities. But in case you do, make sure that you have a dependable Vegas DUI lawyer to call. For now, read on for the most basic traffic rules you should know about.

On the Use of Phones

Since January 1, 2012, the State of Nevada prohibited people from using cell phone while driving. When caught, you can be fined $50 for your first violation, $100 for the second, and $250 for the next. The exceptions to the rule include the following:
  • When there are emergencies and criminal activities being reported
  • If you are a law enforcement or emergency officer acting on your job
  • If you are a utility worker responding to an emergency
  • If you are a radio operator providing communication services in emergency or disaster situations

On Drinking and Driving

When you are driving and flagged down by a traffic enforcer for a minor offense, he or she has the right to subject you to a breath, blood or urine test. This is to determine the alcohol content in your body. The legal limit of alcohol content is .08%, .02% for those younger than 21, and .04% for drivers of commercial transportations. If you don’t submit to these tests, your licensed might get revoked for a minimum of one year.
Penalties vary according to the intensity of the offense, but just to be safe, make sure you have a DUI lawyer in Vegas that you can call whenever needed.

On Driving as a Teen

If you are less than 18 years old and you have had a license for less than six months, you can’t transport someone who is under 18 years old, unless he or she is an immediate family member. You are also prohibited to drive between 10 PM to 5 AM if you are not driving to or from a work or school event.

Hire the Best Vegas DUI Lawyer

Nevada has many other traffic rules that a Las Vegas DUI lawyer can help you understand. If you need help handling traffic violation, The Ticket Fixer can help you out just like the thousand others they help in Nevada. They can represent you professionally to save you from penalties and jail time. Call them now if you need help!

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