Wednesday, August 17, 2016

How to Prevent Dental Fear in Kids

One of the most important parts of a child’s oral hygiene is a regular visit to a Vegas dentist. However, some kids are afraid of the dentist just as much as they are afraid of imaginary monsters. The sad fact is that this fear stems from the things their parents or guardians unwittingly do that makes them think a visit to the dentist comes with unpleasant events. This can turn into a big problem as they might need to have at least ten dental procedures before their preschool years. Remember the following tips to keep your kids from seeing their dentist as the Wicked Witch of the West:

Train them Young

You don’t need to wait for an emergency to find a reason to visit the dentist. A periodic preventive dental visit has to be part of your kids’ routine as soon as they get their first tooth.

Act Normally

Avoid saying that everything will be okay because they might lose their trust in you if they end up needing a more complicated treatment than they expected.

Choose the Right Words

A dentist in McKee Rocks, Pennsylvania suggests telling your kids the dentist will be checking their smile and counting their teeth. Do your best not to mention anything else.

Never Bring Them to Your Own Dentist

Your dentist might not have a child-friendly clinic which might give them the wrong impression. They might also hear stories about struggles with tooth extractions, root canals, and other horrible experiences that may trigger their dental phobia.

Keep Your Calm

If you brought your kid to a child-friendly Vegas dentistry clinic, it is very likely that the dentist and the staff know how to handle kids throwing tantrums. Wait for their signal on what to do rather than getting into panic mode. A panicking parent might trigger an even bigger tantrum.

Don’t Promise Special Treats

If you tell them not to cry so they will get a sweet treat after, they might think there is something bad about the dentist that might make them cry. This will increase their anxiety.

Child-Friendly Dental Clinic in Vegas

Looking for a friendly dentist in Vegas? Dr. William Gussow and his assistants at Vegas Smiles can make your child’s dental visit as pleasant as possible so he or she does not develop a dental phobia. You can even get a free initial consultation. Call them today to find out more about their services.

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