Friday, April 29, 2016

The Birthplace of Atomic Testing in Nevada

A lot of times, it can be very difficult to grasp the concept of the atoms and the particles inside it. Often it gets so easy to let something so small but so dense figuratively, blow the mind. To further amazement, science has made atomic testing possible. To extract large quantities of energy from a very small mass is no simple task. The National Atomic Museum is a museum in Vegas that imparts knowledge on everything atomic testing from history to principles to simulations. So how did it all start? Here is a quick run through of the history of atomic testing in Nevada.

Powerful Ideas

Ideas are among the most valuable things that humans can create. Right after the world war, there was a rise in concern for the safety and well-being of the country. This concern gave rise to some very powerful ideas. Thanks to ambition, funding and a whole lot of knowledge, the Manhattan Project was put into action. This project is one of the points where studies towards atomic testing and atomic research has made a breakthrough in development.

Valuable Land

Before Nevada really started to develop, the nature of its land was considered as a hindrance to progress. The arid nature of the deserts there was just not very practical for developments which was cause for companies and people to overlook it. This was changed when the need for vast open space arose. Atomic test sites needed large areas of land and just 65 miles from Las Vegas, the Nevada Proving Ground was then established. In the museum in Vegas, the proving ground gave way to developments regarding national security.

Most Bombed Place on Earth

1951 marked a year of change for atomic testing and Nevada. On the 27th of January, the government detonated an atomic device on the site. This was the first successful detonation which will make way to even more in the future. It was stated in that the studies on atomic testing has become successful that over a thousand bombs has been studied and detonated on site. This tests helped the site make its way to history books and Las Vegas museums as the most bombed place on earth.

The National Atomic Testing Museum is a great place for families and students to stop by when visiting Las Vegas. This museum in Vegas celebrates the importance of atomic testing in the history of Nevada. The site also offers some fun and informative activities through displays and simulations. Make a family trip more interesting, visit the museum now!

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