Monday, April 18, 2016

Five Ways to Spot Mold in Your Home

A new house is always an exciting and memorable event of your life, but it could also be a time that is extremely stressful for you and your family. Before we actually move in, we are already arranging the furniture that we already have, or would need to buy.  We research color palettes, we inspect every inch of the new house, and deal with all our financial obligations.  The whole process of packing and unpacking, arranging and rearranging can really be time-consuming and hard for you.  However, that all becomes worth it when we finally move into the house of our dreams.

Although, there is one thing that can ruin this wonderful experience, and that is when you discover mold in a remote corner of your house.  What you need to do is to look for mold before you become the official owner of the house. Although you can always get a Las Vegas mold removal later on, it is always better to be aware of any mold issues first. Here are a few ways that can help you determine whether the house you are contemplating has mold growing somewhere invisible to the naked eye:

An Odd Smell

Mold has a very distinct smell, but not everyone knows exactly what it is.  You can, however, have a general idea of what mold smells like by performing a simple experiment.
Place a small wet cloth in a bag, possibly a plastic bag, and leave it unzipped.  Wait for a few days, and then sniff it carefully.  The stale and sour smell that you will get from the washcloth is what mold should smell like.
If you get a similar smell in a new apartment that you are considering, it's possible that the house has mold somewhere.  As a potential buyer, you should look into the existence of mold inside the house.

A Speck of Mold

We all know, more or less, what mold looks like.  However, if you are only searching for something green on the walls, you might miss signs of other types of mold around the house.
In some cases, mold can be brown and look like small specks of dirt or soot on the walls.  Mold can also resemble ordinary stains - which, if you find in unusual places, can be a sign of mold.

Water Leaks

Molds are usually generated by water and moisture.  If the house or apartment that you are contemplating have had a history of water leaks or plumbing mishaps, there is a chance that there could be mold somewhere inside the walls.

A Flood

If the house in question have been, recently or in the past, affected by flood, mold may be found somewhere.  This has most likely happened in the basement than the other floors, because that’s where water stands for a long time during a flood.

Your Physical Symptoms

Even for people who do not have frequent allergic reaction, exposure to mold can lead to the feeling of stuffiness in the nose, irritation in the throat, wheezing, coughing, asthma, headaches and other problems in the respiratory tract. If you are experiencing any such symptoms in a  new location, it may be because of mold growth.  

Take Action Now!

But do signs of mold mean that you shouldn’t go ahead with the house that you love?  Of course not!  You can remedy the situation easily with a Las Vegas mold removal. With one call, Water Damage Las Vegas will arrive on the site and conduct a thorough property assessment. Their team will clean any mold-ridden area and decontaminate your home. They offer free estimates to clients who are interested in their Las Vegas mold removal. Call them now!

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