Sunday, September 25, 2022

Impressive Antique Silver Cutlery

Silver has always been one tier below gold. However, that does not mean it is cheap and inexpensive. In fact, there have been claims that silver is rarer than gold. Its bright white luster strongly appeals to collectors and wealthy silver aficionados. There are incredible antique silver items in Las Vegas since its fabulous glam suits the area's lifestyle quite well. And through the years, ornate sterling silverware has become an exciting way to show off one’s financial capabilities and status. 

Brief History

Many tools and coins from ancient civilizations were crafted using silver. Archeologists claim that the earliest silver mines were in Turkey, which was known as Anatolia in the 5th century BC. Also, silver was considered the most potent disinfectant until it was overthrown by penicillin in 1928. Due to its antiseptic properties, silver became the ideal material for crafting the perfect cutlery, plates, and various household items. 

A wide range of factors can influence the value of any antique silver item. Such include age, history, condition, design, and rarity. This is especially true for antique silverware. While most pieces of antique silver end up being melted down into something else, the ones that last through generations gain more monetary value. However, the ones that really tickle most collectors; fancy are those that come from historical origin. 

Great Silver Wine Cistern of Thomas Wentworth

A wine cistern is a traditional tool that Europeans use to help alcohol bottles maintain a cool temperature. And today, the Great Silver Wine Cistern of Thomas Wentworth holds the place as the most expensive English silver cistern acquired at an auction. Crafted between 1706 and 1711, this wine cistern was initially valued at $3.8M. The talented artisan Philip Rollo used the 168 pounds of silver given by Queen Anne of England herself in crafting this remarkable silver piece. The item carries Britannia marks on both of the handles and features intricate details that depict the royal arms and the cipher of Queen Anne. 

Richard and Alice Brackett Silver Cup

This silver cup is valued at almost a million dollars. It was crafted back in 1660 by renowned Boston silversmiths John Hull and Robert Sanderson Sr. The American couple Richard and Alice Brackett acquired ownership of the cup after moving into Boston. They donated the revered cup to the United First Parish Church of Massachusetts before passing away in 1660. Aside from its quality and craftsmanship, what makes the cup particularly special is that it is made purely of rare Pilgrim Century silver. This material set the cup’s price equivalent to $775,750 in today’s money. The Richard and Alic Brackett Silver Cup is currently displayed at the Metropolitan Museum of Arts for viewing. 

Germain Soup Tureen 

The skillful silversmith and artisan Thomas Germain specifically handmade this Germain Soup Tureen for French king Louis XV. If you’ve experienced dining with ridiculously expensive silverware, you’re still thousands of dollars away from eating soup from the same bowl as King Louis XV himself did. This notable silver piece is custom-built and one of a kind, making it an extremely rare tureen. A number of silver tureens during the time were melted down to aid the production of weapons or finance wars and battles, including the French Revolution. King Louis XV’s Germain Soup Tureen had a lid that can stand as a beautiful piece of artwork. It features fishes, vegetables, and fowl in intricate details that suit profligate suppers well. In 1996, however, this Germain Soup Tureen was sold for $10M at an auction held by Sotheby’s New York. 

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