Sunday, June 12, 2022

Stacking Gold Bracelets

With the current necessity to wear masks, accessorizing has become tricky. Hence, a lot of fashion enthusiasts have come up with ways to spruce up multiple outfits. One of these genius ways is to wear stacks of bracelets that can make even the most basic attires look chic and trendy. It may be hard to pull off stacked bracelets, especially if you don’t do it often. For first-timers, it’s important to remember that the key is knowing where to start, which pieces to put together, and what outfits to wear with your stacked look. Don’t be afraid to get creative with it; just remember that the goal is to feel good about yourself. Although this may sound fairly easy, there are still quite a few things you must avoid when mixing, matching, and stacking. Today, we’ve put together some tips and tricks to help you start. 


Bracelet chain sizes are a personal preference. Combining a variety of sizes and textures can result in a personalized look that can add depth to your outfit. For thick pieces, you can probably go for three to five if you’re feeling a bit bold. On the other hand, if you’re playing with thin bands, you can go for as many as your wrist can handle. A good rule of thumb is to not cover more than ⅓ of your forearms. Also, wear snugger pieces closer to the base of your wrist near your hand to help you keep your wider bracelets behind them.

Mix & Match

Incorporating colors is an easy way to elevate your stack. Feel free to go for fun pieces with interesting shapes or colors. A beaded strand or Las Vegas gold bracelets with gemstones are also good choices. Always keep your outfit in mind when selecting the color for your bracelets. You want to wear colors that coordinate with your clothes. If you’re having a hard time, you can use an all-metal stack. You probably already own good pieces for this look, which will always result in a slightly modern ensemble. 

What to Wear With Stacked Bracelets

No one should stop you from wearing literally whatever you like, especially not a stack of bracelets. You can go and wear it with a basic t-shirt and jeans combo or even with your favorite black dress. A white shirt can act as a blank canvas that can work well with colorful bracelets. Meanwhile, a plain and simple black dress can turn into an edgy yet classy ensemble if you elevate the look with stacked metal bracelets. Just remember to keep it chic and straightforward. Avoid loud statement pieces to help keep you from going overboard.

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