Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Choosing the Best Earrings for Your Face Shape

Having a few pairs of Las Vegas earrings can really add some life to your wardrobe. They can perk up your face and make you look classier and more fabulous even after the age of 40. You just need to be careful or you’ll end up making the mistake of wearing trendy earrings that may be in style but don’t really suit you. When choosing the right pair for you, you need to consider many things like your face shape and personality. Here are some tips worth noting:

Match Earrings to Your Face Shape

Just like eyebrows, earrings can influence the way people see your face. What you wear can make your face appear wider, thinner, longer, or even a little rounder and plumper, depending on the shape of your face. The key is to determine your face shape and choose a pair of earrings that complement it well. 

For Oval Face

If your face is shaped a little like an egg, then you have an oval face shape. This means that you are one of the lucky ones who can wear almost any shape of earrings. Aside from triangular earrings and basic studs, all earring shapes can definitely help you show off those lovely cheekbones.

For Heart Shaped Face

People whose forehead is wider than their cheeks and a chin that narrows down like the bottom of a heart have a heart-shaped face. If your face is heart-shaped, you need a pair of earrings that can counterbalance the slight sharpness of your chin with some chandelier or teardrop earrings. Try to go for earrings that have a wider bottom part than the top to help fill in the lower portion of your face. This makes your face more balanced. 

For Round Face

A circular face means your cheekbones are wider than the rest of your face and that your chin does not taper down. Drop or dangling earrings will elongate your face and make it appear slimmer. Avoid hoop and stud earrings that will only emphasize the roundness of your face. 

For Inverted Triangle Shaped Face

If your face is widest at your forehead, tapering down to a pointy and narrow chin, then you have an inverted triangle face shape. This face shape is a little similar to the heart face shape, except that heart-shaped faces are much shorter on the chin. To balance out your face shape, choose a pair of earrings that will de-emphasize your foreheads such as chandelier or teardrop earrings. These will create the illusion of width at your jawline. 

For Square Face

Your face shape is square if your forehead and jawline are similar widths. To balance out the shape of your face, you will need to soften the hard edges of your face. For this, you can wear earrings that are medium to long with rounded or curved edges. Avoid square studs that will only reinforce the squareness of your face.

Consider Your Lifestyle

In choosing a pair of earrings to wear, keep in mind the kind of event or place you are headed afterward. Feel free to go with any pair of you’re just going to chill at home. However, if you are off to work, you might want to tone it down. The more conservative your office is, the more conservative your earrings should be. Go for timeless styles in gold to exude authority and confidence. Avoid dangle and hoop earrings to appear more executive. The same goes for large earrings if you are in a field like finance and law. 

Match Earrings With Your Coloring

Does your skin have warm undertones (yellow or peach)? If so, then you have a spring or autumn vibe to your overall appearance. This means that warm colors like gold and copper will make you look glowing. Meanwhile, if you have pink or blue undertones in your skin, then you appear more wintery or summery. In this case, silver and pewter earrings make you look fabulous and attractive.

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