Tuesday, February 21, 2017

DUI In Las Vegas: Laws And Penalties You Need To Remember

DUI In Las Vegas. It is a known fact that driving under the influence of alcohol can lead to serious and fatal damages. Yet, many people are still so careless about the issue. There are thousands of DUI in Las Vegas every year that are being filed. And most of the time, it’s the driver’s carelessness and ignorance that gets them in trouble. To know more about how you can fully comprehend the laws about DUI, continue reading below.

DUI (Las Vegas) Laws You Need To Remember

It’s natural for people to get carried away once they start consuming alcohol. You can still legally drive if you are under the influence. But the amount of alcohol in your body must not exceed the minimum limit required in Nevada. The Blood Alcohol Concentration test is used as a tool in determining the alcohol levels in your body, as explained by Wikipedia. According to the Illegal Per Se Law, you can get penalized if you are discovered driving over the city’s alcohol limits. The minimum is 0.02% and that’s only for people under 21. Other driving license holders have a range limit of 0.04% to 0.08%. You will be asked to undergo the BAC test if you are caught. Refusing to do so can force police officers to arrest you. Resolving these issues are within the expertise of DUI lawyers (Las Vegas) from The Ticket Fixer. They are the top ticket resolution firm in Vegas and operate with professionals in the field.

Respective Penalties

Even if you are caught within the limits, you will still be required to pay fines. You can get your license revoked if you resist arrest or a BAC test. Other fees can include testing, reinstatement of license and victim’s compensation. If you have committed a serious DUI (Las Vegas) crime, you will be subjected to imprisonment for up to 6 years according to NOLO’s Driving Laws. Fines can also go up to $5000. In most cases, you will also serve community service hours and attend an alcohol-abuse rehab program. Before getting to this point, you still have a chance of wiping the offense off of your driving record in court. By hiring The Ticket Fixer, you won’t only save money and time. You are also ensured an open communication and the utmost professionalism.

Contact The Ticket Fixer Today!

Save yourself a headache by getting a free consultation at The Ticket Fixer. You can send them your case through their website and wait for their call. Or you can also drop by their office at 623 South, 6th Street in Vegas. To know more about their services, call them at (702) 257-7171.

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